Sunday, 7 August 2016

Thursday Week 3

During Class Work: Studio

Working on iterations of this particular poster during class, seeing if it is worth pursuing/where it could go. Text is too hard to read still, even with smaller and more dots to play with, so have to move on and produce more developments. 

During class I had a discussion with Jackie, talked about this poster and the balloon animal poster. The one above works very well and conveys the exact point i want to make. Only problem is, this poster just relies on type alone, would be nice to have imagery with it. Discussed a few changes/iterations on this poster and agreed to just put it aside and work on some different developments. The balloon animal poster also had positive feedback, saying it showed clever use of imagery and that the balloon exploding was the most effective/responsive. Need to keep playing around with the idea of racist jokes. Had a discussion about how it seems okay that black comedians joke about being black and its deemed okay but a white person cant do that. But at the end it is all still racism. This session helped to give me direction and what I need to focus on.

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