Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Monday week 6/Thursday week 6

Hand In:

Poster Wall

Poster 1

Poster 2

VCD 222.258 
Bogdan Jovanovic 15022132 
Matt Clapham/Jacquie Naismith 


The two final posters use rhetorical approaches to communicate the societal issue of casual racism with in in New Zealand. With the use of satire, irony pathos and ethos I have taken Winston Peters and his infamous quote “two Wongs don’t make a White” to create two different posters that highlight the grey area of casual racism. Communicating the message to teen youths and young adults that are up to play with politics and racist jokes, that casual racism is not okay, not matter the form and you look like a fool for saying such phrases. Essentially making a joke of a joke, I have used bright bold colours in both, the idea of poster 1 is to make Winston Peters look like the Joker from Batman through the use of green hair, red lips, yellow teeth and a purple tie as if to suggest his words are evil/cenacle. The use of magenta pink adds the idea of the words being a joke as well as acting as complementary colours. Cropped in to his face to emphasis the smirk at his own joke and thresholded the image to emphasis the colours and add a graphic style. Poster two has the idea of a poster being defaced as a joke, similar to tagging, taking the piss of Winston Peters portrait done in a rough sketchy vivid style to appeal to youths. Yellow was used as a stand out colour and to contrast the text and portrait. 

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