Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Monday Week 5

Formative Critique:

Feedback from peers:
Overall, both clearly communicate my central issue of casual racism the Yellow one more clearly than the one below mainly due to the text being hard to read and perhaps obscuring the identity too much, my argument would be the further back you go the clearer you can make out/see the face and there is a caption with the persons name and status so even if the face is obscured the text is a secondary source to confirm who the person is. Also there was a suggestion that with the poster below I could make some text smaller for better text hierarchy. The last comment is irrelevant as it asks where one of my very first poster ideas as a exercise in class went to, not helpful at all.
Printed out poster, referred to as no.2 or below in the feedback form.
Printed out poster referred to as no.1 or top in the feedback form.

Changes based on feed back form:

Made heading text white and removed the shadow to improve readability, made the purple lighter so it is more noticeable to enforce the joker imagery and made the smallest body copy smaller to enforce text hierarchy.

No changes made due to feedback being so positive, no negatives or suggestions.

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