Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Monday week 6/Thursday week 6

Hand In:

Poster Wall

Poster 1

Poster 2

VCD 222.258 
Bogdan Jovanovic 15022132 
Matt Clapham/Jacquie Naismith 


The two final posters use rhetorical approaches to communicate the societal issue of casual racism with in in New Zealand. With the use of satire, irony pathos and ethos I have taken Winston Peters and his infamous quote “two Wongs don’t make a White” to create two different posters that highlight the grey area of casual racism. Communicating the message to teen youths and young adults that are up to play with politics and racist jokes, that casual racism is not okay, not matter the form and you look like a fool for saying such phrases. Essentially making a joke of a joke, I have used bright bold colours in both, the idea of poster 1 is to make Winston Peters look like the Joker from Batman through the use of green hair, red lips, yellow teeth and a purple tie as if to suggest his words are evil/cenacle. The use of magenta pink adds the idea of the words being a joke as well as acting as complementary colours. Cropped in to his face to emphasis the smirk at his own joke and thresholded the image to emphasis the colours and add a graphic style. Poster two has the idea of a poster being defaced as a joke, similar to tagging, taking the piss of Winston Peters portrait done in a rough sketchy vivid style to appeal to youths. Yellow was used as a stand out colour and to contrast the text and portrait. 

Friday, 19 August 2016

Thursday Week 5 Plus Weekend

Work during Thursday class and development work over the weekend:

Changed/worked on the body typed text, making it standout out, easier to read and not look so awkward. Instead of just having white text, I've made the text black with a yellow block behind the text to make it stand out. This is then complimented/contrasted with smaller white body text underneath.
Big changes on this poster, have dropped the skin colour and edited photographic look, and gone for a a very graphic, stylised thresholded look. I found this made the colours of the hair, lips and tie pop and stand out more. Have played with the text a lot on this poster, by mistake i came across this high saturated shocking pink colour that actually worked well with my image. Reminds me of a suicide squad picture with the colour scheme, creates a sort of rebellious punk feel about it. Ive made the main text merge behind the head of Winston, then overlapped with the secondary title "Racism is no joke?. Then balanced the composition with a block of pink merged behind Winston's chin. I think it is looking much better, maybe not refined but definitely stepped up a notch or two in design style.
Hopefully now just a little more fine tuning, finalising and final touch ups to be done during Mondays class so I am ready to print on Tuesday!

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Monday Week 5

Formative Critique:

Feedback from peers:
Overall, both clearly communicate my central issue of casual racism the Yellow one more clearly than the one below mainly due to the text being hard to read and perhaps obscuring the identity too much, my argument would be the further back you go the clearer you can make out/see the face and there is a caption with the persons name and status so even if the face is obscured the text is a secondary source to confirm who the person is. Also there was a suggestion that with the poster below I could make some text smaller for better text hierarchy. The last comment is irrelevant as it asks where one of my very first poster ideas as a exercise in class went to, not helpful at all.
Printed out poster, referred to as no.2 or below in the feedback form.
Printed out poster referred to as no.1 or top in the feedback form.

Changes based on feed back form:

Made heading text white and removed the shadow to improve readability, made the purple lighter so it is more noticeable to enforce the joker imagery and made the smallest body copy smaller to enforce text hierarchy.

No changes made due to feedback being so positive, no negatives or suggestions.

Saturday, 13 August 2016

Thursday Week 4 and Homework

Visualising two poster concepts:

Before class we had to of printed two A2 poster's ideas and pin them up for a critique. By the end of the class, had to have edited and reprinted them based of the critique's we got.

Poster 1 at the start of the lesson:
Based on the critique/feedback from my peers, I went away and edited my text, changed some alignments, colours and ended up with the poster below. Also blacked out the pocket hankie as it was too distracting.
Poster 1 at the end of the lesson:
This was the result at the end of the lesson, Text is now red to convey hurtful words, and relates to Winston's mouth now, to show it came from his mouth/lips. Also stands out more/easier to read from a distance due to more contrast. The tag quote is underneath the quote to show the relationship between the two texts. Then the real issue text is bigger and in the right hand corner. When critiqued by Matt and Jacquie it was said that I need to crop into the face as there is too much negative/un-active space at the bottom of the poster. Get ride of the stroke around the main copy as it looks tacky. Play with the thresholding to show more detail on Winston's face and play with the positioning of the text so it isn't as close to the mouth as it begins to look like a weird letter. There was also a point said about my posters possibly being too similar, it was agreed after some discussion that as long as when i am developing these ideas i make them more distinguished and push them apart in differences.

Poster 1 for formative assessment on Monday:
Based on the feedback during the end of last class I have developed and refined my ideas to produce this poster. I have cropped and zoomed into the face to focus the attention on the facial features, played with the thresholding detail and colours. Also re-did all the text in illustrator and repositioned the text based on the new composition. Will see what feedback I get during Mondays assessment class.

Poster 2 at the start of the lesson:
This was the first iteration printed and pinned up before the start of the lesson, after some peer feedback I went away and made a few changes which led to the poster below.

Poster 2 at the end of the lesson:
With this development I moved Winston Peter down as there was too much negative space down the bottom, got ride of the Winston Peters info text and just hand drew it with an arrow pointing at him. I emphasised the stitches on the lips so they stand out more, and i blew up the "Racism is no joke" as it was the important message I want to convey. After some feedback from Matt and Jackie it was discussed that I need to digitalise the text and a good way of doing that would be with tracing paper, have a less busy text background by getting ride of some of the "hahahahahaha" and possibly even move Winston Peters down a bit more.

Poster 2 for formative assessment on Monday:

This is the product produced based on the feedback gave on the previous version above. The main difference is I have digitalise the text and made the background a lot less busy so it is easier to follow/read, starting to look a lot more refined. re-did the bottom right copy in illustrator and below is the process and some photos of digitalising the scribbly text. 
Digitalising text process:

Had to print out the new poster layout in A2 format, then do the scribbles I wanted on top of the poster.
Then using two sheets of A3 paper, joined together, I traced over the scribbles, modifying them slightly to make them more suitable to fit. I then scanned them in, onto a USB using the printers as a jpeg file. Opened them in illustrator and converted them to outlines. I then added them on top of my illustrator file and adjusted to fit.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Week 4 Homework

Two poster ideas:

This poster takes the Micky out of a racist joke Winston Peter said, in the background is a stylised, thresholded image of him smiling/smirking as if at the joke he just told. I have the coloured his hair green, lips red and tie purple so that he resembles the joker, rather than a politician as his words spoke louder than his actions that day. Making him look like a clown. Getting the point across that racism is no joke, shouldn't be turned into a joke.

This poster is the same concept but done in a different way, this is not how the poster will look like, I will hand write the text and drawing in sketchy vivid lines. This is just a rough idea of how it could look. Looks rubbish because its done on the computer with a track pad. The idea is trashing someone else, making it as a joke, drawing on someones face. Almost vandalism joking but about racism, will have the quote "two wongs don't make a white" in the background as well as "ha ha ha ha" around the saying, taking the piss that its funny, fake laughing, done over the top so its over emphasised

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Tuesday Week 4

Style + Mood Exercise During Class:

Looking at these posters that all use a head in them, as groups we had to come up with one word that described them, here are some of the words that came up during the group discussion. Helped me realise that for my poster to be effective in communicating my inequality, if someone was to do the same exercise on my poster the first words should be funny, joke, racism
Shocking, Confused
Consumerism, Feeding the beast
Surreal, Dreamy, Warm
Brutal, Harsh, Fragmented
Lost, Confused, Identity

Festive, Celebration
Busy, Exciting, Important, Deceiving